Value-added taxes, sales taxes, and import duties are indirect taxes. 增值税、营业税和进口税都是间接税。
Import duties and domestic taxes. (三)进口关税及国内税收。
The customs bill in question has created a stew of conflict over issues as varied as child labor and enforcement of import duties. 正在考虑中的海关法案,在童工和进口关税征收等一众问题上引发了冲突。
One of the main attractions of African countries is their preferential trade agreements with the US and Europe, which mean that finished products, such as textiles, avoid import duties of up to 30 per cent. 非洲国家的一个主要吸引力是,它们与欧美签署了优惠性的贸易协定,这意味着纺织品等制成品可免去最高达30%的进口税。
If we impose import duties, other countries may retaliate against us. 我们若征收进口税,别的国家就可能报复我们。
Xiv. tariff and import duties reduction and exemption for enterprises 十四、企业关税和进口税减免
Identify and include import duties and taxes due. 确定并纳入进口关税和应付税金。
All prices are exclusive of any local import duties or taxes which are to be borne by the consignee. 所有价格都不包括当地的进口关税,这些关税由代销者承担。
Identify import duties and taxes due. 确认进口关税和应付税金。
Heavy import duties discouraged Belgians from buying French wine. 巨额的进口关税减少了比利时人对法国葡萄酒的兴趣。
Imported items to include for import duties etc-see ctr109. 进口件包括进口关税等-见ctr109。
Collecting the revenue from import duties and enforcing customs laws; 征收进口税和执行关税法;
This week China will start charging import duties on us and Russian flat-rolled electrical steel, the first time such anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures have been imposed. 本周中国宣布,将对原产于美国和俄罗斯的取向电工钢开征进口关税,这是中国首次实施反倾销和反补贴措施。
A port where merchandise can be imported and re-exported with paying import duties. 货物缴纳关税后进口或再次出口的港口。
The cost of an item of inventory is made up of the purchase price, minus any discount, plus all expenditures incurred on acquiring such merchandise, including import duties, insurance of goods being shipped or stored. 一项存货的成本是由买价减去各种折扣,加上为取得该项存货而发生的所有支出构成的。这些支出包括进口税、运输或存储货物的保险费用。
The House of Representatives has passed a bill authorising countervailing import duties against the export subsidies created by undervalued exchange rates as with China. 美国众议院通过了一项法案,授权对像中国这样因低估汇率而形成的出口补贴开征反补贴进口关税。
In1860,84 years after the publication of "The Wealth of Nations", Britain forswore most import duties. 在《国富论》出版1860年,英国才取消了大部分进口关税。
The government abolished tax rebates on coal exports and imposed export tariffs while cutting import duties in2006. 政府对煤炭出口取消退税,并征收出口关税,同时在2006年取消进口关税。
In the direct overseas trade, any changes in import duties are considered to be the importer's risk. 在这种直接的对外贸易中,进口税则的任何改变,其风险均由进口商承担。
International business system where countries agree not to charge Import duties on certain Item Import from their trading partner 一种国际贸易制度:一些国家同意对从他们贸易伙伴进口的某些商品不征进口税
The investigation could lead to import duties. 调查可能导致中国对美方征收进口关税。
Import duties, red tape or other delays or costs in the delivery of inputs means higher costs. 在零部件付运过程中遭遇的进口关税、繁文缛节或其他拖延及收费手段都会抬高商品成本。
The import duties referred to in these rules include both Customs duties and industrial and commercial consolidated taxes. 本办法所称的进口税,包括关税和工商统一税。
If we raise our import duties on their goods, they may retaliate against us. 如果我们提高他们货物的进口税,他们可能向我们报复。
Additional cost reductions are achieved by avoiding hefty import duties and shipping fees, and stripping out expensive materials and features. 而避开高额进口关税和船运成本,并摒弃高价的材料和特性又进一步缩减了成本。
Except as otherwise provided herein, all import permits and licenses and the import duties, customs fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the Seller. 除本合同另有规定外,所有进口许可、许可证以及不属于国家的任何政府机构征收的一切进口税、关税和各种税收均由买方负担。
Import duties constitute a heavy burden upon consumers. 进口税成为消费者沉重的负担。
However, this still leaves the question of high import duties on LED lights. 然而,这仍留有LED灯的高进口关税的问题。
However, refund of the tariff and import duties will be applied within the transitional period from 1996 to 2000, with the volume decreasing annually. 但是,在1996年~2000年过渡期内,将适用关税和进口税的退还,每年数量递减。